Using Yarrow for Medicine

Using Yarrow for Medicine

Achillea - Golden Yarrow Medicinal UsesYarrow Medicinal Uses

Did you know that Yarrow has been used throughout time as a wonderful medicinal remedy for a variety of ailments? Most homesteaders believe that Yarrow is one of the single most important herbs to grow in your garden (it's also one of the easiest)!

Yarrow has been known as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, digestive health, hypotensive and skin benefits. It's no wonder that the savvy homesteader typically has a few of these plants growing around their property.

Buy Yarrow Seeds

Harvesting Yarrow

Although you'll commonly hear people referring to Yarrow "Root" as the beneficial ingredient from the yarrow plant... The whole plant is useable in a variety of concoctions. If you wish to use the root, you'll need to wait about 2 to 3 years before it's able to be harvested... So... Let's focus on what you can do with the Yarrow plant while you wait! :)

1) Make sure you've allowed the plant to grow until it's completely mature. 

2) Once the flowers have completely opened, harvest the entire stems with heads still attached. You'll want to dry your Yarrow upside down for 3-7 days.

3) Chop your entire dried plant (stem and all) and store in an airtight container. Yarrow is good for up to one year after harvesting.

Note: If you wish to harvest Yarrow Root, you'll need to dry the root in a cool dry place for about a week before placing it into an airtight container. Yarrow root typically lasts one year in a sealed mason jar.

Yarrow Root MedicineYarrow Tincture Recipe

1) Dried Yarrow
2) Vodka or other 80-proof Spirits
3) Clean Glass Container w/ lid (Mason Jars Work GREAT!)
Use a 1:5 ratio (1oz of crushed herbs to 5oz of 80 proof spirits)
For example... a quart of tincture would require 5.3oz of herbs and 26.7oz spirits
Crush the herb and mix directly into your chosen 80+ proof spirit. 
Shake your mixture thoroughly (using a whisk if necessary to break-up clumps of herbs). 
Store in a cool dark place away from any sunlight for 4-6 weeks (or longer). Shake your tincture once per day to agitate the solution. 
After at least 4 weeks, strain the tincture to remove all herb solids. Place your freshly made Yarrow Tincture into glass eyedropper bottles (amber color is preferred). 
Your tincture is now ready to use! Make sure to store it in a dark place, out of direct sunlight. :)

Yarrow Medicinal Properties

Yarrow is LOADED with medicinal benefits. To keep this less than a 50 page report on all the good things yarrow can do for you, we'll just focus on the tried and true yarrow medicinal properties.

Traditional Yarrow Uses

Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Spasmodic, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Emmenagogic Agent, Hemorrhage, Pneumonia, Rheumatic Pain, Wound Healing.

Modern Yarrow Medical Uses

Hepatitis, Jaundice, Liver Problems, Malaria

Yarrow is also a great natural fever reducer and many people take yarrow tinctures at the first sign of influenza, or when they first find out they may have been exposed to upper respiratory illnesses. Yarrow is a natural anti-catarrhal that helps to eliminate excess mucous.

Digestive Uses of Yarrow

Because yarrow is a bitter herb, it helps to increase saliva production and natural stomach acids that may help to improve digestive problems.

Sleep Problems

Yarrow is often used as a mild sedative to help with sleeplessness or to reduce anxiety and related anxiety disorders.


Yarrow is an excellent anti-microbial that has been shown to fight bacteria, including those that cause pneumonia, e-coli (or other food poisoning), as well as urinary tract infections.


On top of everything else, Yarrow has been proven to be a great anti-viral herb and has even been used to fight Polio.

Contraindications for Yarrow

  • You should always ask your doctor before starting a new herbal remedy. 
  • Do not take for more than 2 weeks straight. A general rule of thumb is 2 weeks on 4 weeks off.
  • Absolutely DO NOT TAKE IF PREGNANT or planning on becoming pregnant. Yarrow is known to cause contractions and may cause miscarriages.
  • Yarrow is known to lower blood pressure, do not take if you are on any blood pressure medications or have existing blood pressure problems.
  • Yarrow may cause skin sensitivity if used topically. Avoid direct sunlight to areas of skin that have come into contact with topical Yarrow products.

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