Bat Houses: A Natural Pest Control Solution for Survival Gardens

Bat Houses: A Natural Pest Control Solution for Survival Gardens

In the realm of survival gardening, where self-reliance and sustainability are paramount, it's crucial to harness the power of nature's unsung heroes. One such hero, often misunderstood and underappreciated according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is the bat. These nocturnal creatures play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems. While many may recoil at the thought of inviting bats into their gardens, providing them with a safe haven in the form of bat houses can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating world of bats, debunk common misconceptions, and explore how bat houses can become an indispensable part of your survival garden as natural pest controllers.

1. Bats - The Misunderstood Guardians of the Night

Bats, often shrouded in mystery and superstition, are a diverse group of mammals that comprise more than 1,400 species worldwide. Contrary to popular belief, these flying mammals are not rodents; they belong to the order Chiroptera and play an essential role in our ecosystem. Here's why they deserve our understanding and respect:

  • Ecosystem Stewards

Bats are voracious insectivores. A single bat can consume hundreds of insects in a single night, including moths, mosquitoes, and agricultural pests. This makes them a crucial ally for survival gardens as natural pest controllers. Without bats, the insect population could spiral out of control, leading to crop damage and reduced food production.

  • Pollinators Extraordinaire

Many bat species are also effective pollinators. They play a significant role in pollinating numerous plants, including agave, bananas, and mangoes. In a survival garden, this can translate to higher yields of fruits and vegetables, ensuring a more reliable source of nutrition.

  • Bats in Peril

Despite their invaluable contributions, bat populations worldwide are facing numerous threats. Habitat loss, pollution, and diseases like white-nose syndrome have led to significant declines in bat numbers. Understanding and conserving these creatures is more critical than ever to maintain ecological balance.

2. Busting Bat Myths

Before embracing the idea of bat houses in your survival garden, let's debunk some common myths and misconceptions surrounding these fascinating creatures.

  • Vampires? No, Thanks!

One of the most enduring myths about bats is that they are blood-sucking vampires. In reality, vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) are a tiny minority, primarily found in Central and South America. They feed on the blood of livestock, not humans, and represent only a fraction of bat species.

  • Blind as a Bat? Far from it!

Contrary to the saying, bats are not blind. In fact, most bat species have perfectly functional eyesight, albeit adapted to low light conditions. They also employ echolocation, emitting high-pitched sounds and listening for the echoes to navigate and locate prey.

  • Disease Carriers? Not All Bats!

While some bat species can carry diseases like rabies, the vast majority do not pose a direct threat to humans. In fact, most bats are not aggressive and would rather avoid human contact. It's important to note that rabies transmission from bats to humans is extremely rare, and simple precautions can mitigate the risk.

  • Want to learn even more?

The Natural History Museum of San Diego has curated a list of the top 4 myths on bats.

3. Bat Houses - Welcoming the Winged Guardians

Now that we've clarified some misconceptions about bats, it's time to explore how bat houses can be a win-win solution for both bats and your survival garden. Check our selection of habitats for our friendly winged friends if you may!

  • The Purpose of Bat Houses

Bat houses serve as artificial roosts for bats. These structures mimic the natural crevices and cavities bats typically seek out in trees, caves, or buildings. By providing a suitable habitat, you encourage bats to take up residence in your garden.

  • Benefits for Your Garden

Installing bat houses in your survival garden can yield several advantages:

  • Natural Pest Control

Bats are incredibly efficient insect hunters. By attracting them to your garden, you'll enjoy a significant reduction in common garden pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

  • Improved Pollination

Certain bat species are effective pollinators, helping increase the yield of your fruits and vegetables. Their contribution can lead to healthier, more robust crops.

  • Balanced Ecosystem

Bats are a vital part of the food chain. By supporting bat populations, you contribute to a more balanced and resilient ecosystem in your garden.

4. Choosing the Right Bat House

Selecting the appropriate bat house is essential to attract and maintain bat colonies in your garden. Here are some considerations:

  • Size Matters

Ensure the bat house is large enough to accommodate a colony of bats. Different bat species have varying roosting preferences, so research the specific bats in your region.

  • Location, Location, Location

Place the bat house in a strategic location. Bats prefer sunny spots that receive at least six hours of sunlight daily. Mounting the house high (10-15 feet) on a pole or the side of a building will also increase its appeal.

  • Ventilation and Design

A well-ventilated bat house with proper roosting chambers is crucial. Ensure the house has a rough interior surface, such as a rough-cut wood panel, to help bats cling to it.

  • Maintenance

Regularly clean and maintain the bat house to keep it attractive to bats. Remove any guano buildup to prevent pests and diseases.

5. Bat Conservation and Your Role

Incorporating bat houses into your survival garden is just one step towards supporting these remarkable creatures. Bat conservation requires collective effort and awareness. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Learn About Local Bat Species

Familiarize yourself with the bat species in your region. Understanding their habits and preferences will help you create an environment that suits them best.

  • Participate in Citizen Science

Many organizations and researchers conduct bat monitoring programs. Consider becoming a citizen scientist to help collect data on bat populations and behaviors in your area.

  • Promote Bat-Friendly Practices

Spread awareness about the importance of bats in your community. Encourage neighbors to install bat houses and reduce the use of chemical pesticides in their gardens.

  • Support Bat Conservation Organizations

Consider donating to or volunteering with organizations dedicated to bat conservation. These groups work tirelessly to protect bat populations and their habitats.


Bats are often overlooked and misunderstood, but they are invaluable allies in the world of survival gardening. By welcoming these winged guardians into your garden with bat houses, you can harness their natural pest control abilities, boost pollination, and contribute to a healthier, more balanced ecosystem. Busting the myths surrounding bats is the first step in appreciating their vital role in our world.

So, the next time you venture into your survival garden under the cover of night, remember that above you, bats are diligently patrolling the skies, ensuring your garden's safety and productivity. Embrace these misunderstood creatures, and let bat houses be your bridge to a more sustainable and abundant future.

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